Apa itu Label?
Label adalah produk yang banyak digunakan, terbuat dari berbagai bahan yang ditempelkan pada wadah atau produk, yang di atasnya terdapat informasi tentang produk tersebut. Informasi yang dicetak langsung pada wadah atau artikel juga dapat dianggap sebagai pelabelan.
Apa itu Label Alamat?
Label pengiriman adalah selembar kertas adhesif yang berisi informasi tercetak yang dibutuhkan kurir untuk mengantarkan paket Anda dari asal ke tujuan. Label pengiriman ini ditempelkan pada kotak yang berisi produk, tidak memerlukan bahan tambahan seperti selotip dibandingkan dengan selembar kertas cetak biasa, sehingga meningkatkan efisiensi dan biaya. ​
Label Pengiriman sering digunakan dalam e-commerce seperti:
Jenis-Jenis Label
Tersedia berbagai pilihan label yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda untuk penggunaan pribadi atau bisnis Anda, seperti:
Label Resi
Label Anti-Air
Label Buku
Label Fragile
Label Frozen Food
Label Harga
Label Barcode
Dymo Label
Label Blackmark
Label Import
Label Export
Gelang Pasien
What is a Thermal Shipping Label Printer?
Printer Resi Label Pengiriman thermal adalah printer yang menggunakan teknologi Direct Thermal untuk mencetak, bukan tinta. Ini membutuhkan label thermal untuk dicetak. Printer label pengiriman tidak memerlukan periode pemanasan dan memiliki kecepatan cetak yang lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan printer laser.
What is the difference between Semicoated Label, Thermal Label, and Yupo Label?
A thermal label is commonly used in e-commerce shipping labels and most cafes for order types and customer names. It uses heat to print, and as a result, has a shorter shelf life as it is prone to heat.
A semicoated label is commonly used in price tag labels and has a long shelf life as it requires a ribbon as an ink to print on the label.
Yupo Label is commonly used in asset management labels, Yupo Labels are considered to be the highest grade, as it has the following characteristics:
Longest Shelf life
Very Strong Adhesive
Tear Resistant
Oil and Chemical Resistant
Very Low Dust Generation
What are the different types of Ribbons?
There are 5 different types of Ribbons, and choosing the ribbon compatible with your printer and label can be confusing.
Wax Ribbon
Wax Ribbons are the most common ribbon used on paper labels, and are commonly used in shipping, retail, and warehousing. It works with Uncoated/Coated Paper and most Synthetic Labels
Excellent Print Quality
Affordable & Reliable
Wax-Resin Ribbon
Wax-Resin ribbons are able to print on a wide-variety of labels, from glossy paper to low-end synthetic labels. It is commonly used in Industrial, Outdoor, Shipping.
Works with a huge variety of materials such as:
Coated Paper​
Synthetic Paper
Matte Polyester
Resin Ribbons
A resin ribbon is required to print on polypropylene label stock, and will produce razor-sharp images.It is commonly used in Shipping, Retail, Automotive, Electronics, and Medical. It is often used with 300dpi or 600dpi printheads. Resin ribbons offer extreme durability against solvents and abrasions.
Razor-sharp Image Quality
Works with the following materials:
Near-Edge Ribbons
Near Edge Ribbons will only work with a Near Edge printer and has a clean, and high image quality on a lot of products. These Near Edge Ribbons are often used in high-speed packaging applications such as snacks, dairy, produce, medical, and beauty, to stamp snack food packaging.
Ability to print to a wide range of materials such as:
OPP/ Metalized PET
PET/Metalized PET
Uncoated & Coated Paper
Color Ribbons
Color Ribbons are mostly wax or wax-resin colored ribbons. It can print a wide range of vivid and bold colors or metallic images. It can be printed on both white or colored labels. it is commonly used in Snacks, Dairy, Medical, Health & Beauty, Automotive, and Outdoor.
They can be printed on:
Uncoated Paper
Coated Paper
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