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Key Features 

  • 1D/2D Corded
  • Easy migration from top-selling 1D LS2208 to 2D DS2208


Key Specifications


Motion Tolerance (Handheld)Up to 5 in./13 cm. per second for 13 mil UPC
Swipe Speed (Hands-Free)Up to 30.0 in./76.2 cm. per second for 13 mil UPC
Light SourceAiming Pattern: Linear 624nm Amber LED
Illumination(2) 645nm Super-Red LEDs
Imager Field of View32.8° H x 24.8° V Nominal
Image Sensor640 x 480 pixels
Minimum Print Contrast25% minimum reflective difference
Skew/Pitch/Roll Tolerance+/- 65°; +/- 65°; 0-360°
Minimum Element ResolutionCode 39 - 4.0 mil; Code 128 - 4.0 mil;
Data Matrix - 6.0 mil; QR Code - 6.7 mil


Zebra DS2208 2D Scanner

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